Ohio LinuxFest Institute (OLFI) offers a choose-your-own-adventure approach to professional development. Expert instructors provide training on topics that are relevant to today’s technical professionals. OLFI is only available with the Ohio LinuxFest Institute Professional Pass registration. So please make sure you select this option on the Registration Page.
We’re pleased to continue offering OLFI at a competitive community rate. While other professional training is often thousands of dollars, early bird pricing for OLFI is only $400 until a month before the conference. After early bird expires, prices raise to only $450 for advance registration and will be $500 for on site registration. Early registration not only saves you money but also helps OLFI make better arrangements for the training sessions.
OLFI presents full-day and half-day training sessions. The morning and afternoon sessions are both half day sessions. Students can either pick one full day session OR pick one session from morning and and one from afternoon (from the list below).
Full Day Sessions (Morning and Afternoon)
Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Boot Camp
Instructor: Donald. L.Corbet
Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Boot Camp
Linux certifications are an effective way to build your career in open source technologies. The Linux Professional Institute boot camp is an all-day training session that covers the objectives necessary to pass the CompTIA Linux+ and/or LPIC-1 certification. This focused boot camp is divided into two parts: the morning session digs into the objectives for LPIC-1 (exam 101); and the afternoon session digs into the objectives for LPIC-1 (exam 102). This is a very fast paced boot camp and is recommended for people who wish to verify their readiness for the exam, want to have a “last-pass” practice session before taking the exam, or are looking for deeper understanding of particular exam objectives.
LAB Requirements:
- Bring a Linux laptop or virtual machine running in Virtual Box.
Introduction to Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux
Instructors: Matthew Verrette and Israel Arroyo
Ethical Hackers use their skills to emulate real world threats to ensure the security of their organizations. This course will cover the basic hacker methodology and tools used to determine the risk and vulnerabilities of the targeted network. By the end of the course students will be able to find and exploit basic vulnerabilities using Kali Linux. As a culmination students will be conducting a basic Capture the Flag exercise.
Lab Requirements:
- Bring a laptop with Virtual Box installed
- Kali VM will be provided
- Basic knowledge of Linux
- Basic knowledge of Linux command line
Using Ansible to configure your deployment environment
Instructor: Christopher H. Laco
This is a full day training session. In this class, we will teach participants about Ansible and all of its major components, step by step from the ground up. From a blank text file, learning inventory, playbooks, roles, modules, and end by deploying a simple application to server, and even configuring your own laptop. Bring a laptop with Linux/vi installed. Please bring a laptop with VirtualBox installed on it.
Lab Requirements
- Bring a laptop with Virtual Box 5.0 installed.
Pre-Requisite, if any
- Be familiar with Linux, running commands in a terminal, and basic file editing with Emacs/Vi/Nano/Pico
Progressing your career from Open Source to Information Security – CISSP Mini Boot Camp
Instructor: William H. Diederich
CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) certification is a logical step for many in the open source community. Knowledge of Linux operating systems, networking, and open source software makes CISSP certification relatively easier for you. There is almost zero percent unemployment in information security and CISSP is the most prestigious certification in this field. This full-day mini boot camp is designed to give you a head start in getting ready for the CISSP certification. You will learn CISSP domains and how to get started on your journey to be CISSP certified. More information about CISSP certification is available at https://www.isc2.org/cissp/default.aspx
Half Day Morning Sessions
Git Foundations: Unlocking the Mysteries
Instructor: Mike Weilgart
Dozens of commands! Hundreds of options! Git has dumbfounded sysadmins and developers alike since its appearance in 2005. And yet, this ingenious software is among the most fantastically useful ever developed. Learn Git from the ground up and the inside out with Git Foundations Training! This half-day class explores Git’s internals in depth and includes unique practical exercises to gain familiarity and comfort in handling the nuts and bolts.
Git Internals are covered in depth, beginning from basic definitions and proceeding through the essentials of Graph Theory needed to appreciate Git’s architecture. Plenty of audience Q&A throughout, live demonstrations, and diagrams. Following this complete theory portion comes the practical portion of the course, with hands-on exercises to ensure retention and application of all theory.
This is a highly polished Git training I’ve delivered over a dozen times to a variety of audiences from beginner to advanced. The original material was refined and re-refined, incorporating student questions and feedback from meetups and webinars to fill in all gaps and streamline the delivery sequence.
- A laptop with a UNIX-like command-line environment on which “git –version” displays a version (any version).
- A willingness to learn.
- No prior knowledge of Git is required. Basic Unix/Linux command line experience is assumed. Experienced users of Git have given rave reviews; the class is not aimed only at beginners, but at anyone wishing to thoroughly understand and use Git to the fullest.
Building Intelligent Applications from Scratch with Apache Spark and OpenShift
Instructors: Willian Benton and Michael McCune
Intelligent applications employ machine learning and large-scale data processing to improve with longevity and popularity. Most of the applications you can’t live without today are intelligent, and it’s an easy bet that the applications you’ll be most excited about developing tomorrow will be intelligent as well. It’s an even easier bet that you’ll want to be deploying tomorrow’s applications on a contemporary container platform with a great developer workflow like OpenShift.
Intelligent applications pose some new challenges for developers, but this hands-on lab will show you how to navigate them confidently. You’ll learn how to develop an insightful application on OpenShift with Apache Spark from the ground up, using a totally cutting-edge open-source stack. We’ll cover:
- why contemporary analytics frameworks like Apache Spark are a good fit for microservice architectures;
- a crash course in Apache Spark and some essential data science techniques;
- how to deploy Apache Spark as part of an OpenShift application; and
- building a data-driven application from the ground up.
This lab is largely self-contained: the only prerequisite is some familiarity with Python. Learn from the experience of engineers and data scientists who are focused on bringing intelligent applications to containers, developing new analytic approaches, and contributing to the key community projects that make this all possible.
Lab Requirements
- Bring a laptop with Virtual Box installed
Pre-Requisite, if any
- Basic knowledge of Linux
Power Editing with vi
Trainer: Aleksey Tsalolikhin
This hands-on course will take you from a vi beginner or intermediate user to a Power User, able to leap tall text buildings with a single bound. Unleash the full power of that blinking cursor, become more efficient at your job, and fame and fortune will surely follow. Most people use only 10% of what vi is fully capable of. Awaken to your vi’s full potential.
Required Equipment:
- A laptop with vi installed
Half Day Afternoon Sessions
Linux Container Internals
Instructor: Michael Surbey and Jim Wildman
Have you ever wondered how Linux containers work? How they really work, deep down inside? Questions like: How does sVirt/SELinux, SECCOMP, namespaces, and isolation really work? How does the Docker Daemon work? How does Kubernetes talk to the Docker Daemon? How are container images made? In this lab, we’ll answer all these questions and more. If you want a deep technical understanding of containers, this is the lab for you. An engineering walk through the deep, dark internals of the container host, what’s packaged in the container image, and how container orchestration work. You’ll get the knowledge and confidence it takes to apply your current Linux technical knowledge to containers.
Lab Requirements
- Bring a laptop with Virtual Box installed
- Basic knowledge of Linux
A Modest Swift Tutorial
Instructor: John Anderson
Swift is a multi-paradigm language, supporting imperative, functional, and object-oriented programming styles. The language is strongly typed but has extensive support for type inference and substantial tooling
to identify and in some cases automatically fix common programming errors. Swift uses a memory management strategy called automatic reference counting (ARC), freeing programmers from the tedium of manually managing memory allocation. This combination of strong typing, maximal type inference, automatic reference counting (ARC), and excellent tooling results in an experience that can be described as “the Macintosh of programming languages”.
Swift was originally released in 2014, and Open Sourced by Apple in late 2015. The Open Source release generated an explosion of community interest and support, resulting in ports to other platforms and significant language changes. Swift version 3, which reflects the results of much of this work, was released in September of 2016, bringing with it some significant refinements to the core language and a new package manager.
This tutorial will introduce the basics of the Swift language via a combination of short presentations intermixed with live coding exercises that will build a small but useful program over the course of the tutorial. After attending this tutorial, an attendee with no previous experience in Swift will have been introduced to the language and will have a grasp of the basics of the language and understand where to go for further information and learning.
Lab Requirements
- If attendess wish to follow along with the live-coding exercises (which is highly recommended!) they should install a version of Swift 3 on their laptops in advance of the workshop. Releases for Ubuntu can be downloaded from https://swift.org/download/#releases. Please note that **no time will be spent on Swift installation during the workshop**. If running `swift` gives you access to the Swift REPL, you’re ready to go!
Pre-Requisite, if any
- Attendees should be familiar with at least one other programming language and should have Swift installed as described above.
Setting up CI/CD Pipelines
Trainer: Aleksey Tsalolikhin
Attendees will learn how CI/CD pipelines can increase IT velocity (from Dev to Ops), increase code quality and lower risk; and will learn how to implement CI/CD pipelines in two popular tools, Jenkins and GitLab CI. Intended audience for this course are Infrastructure engineers, system administrators, or DevOps engineers familiar with Git who have to set up or support CI/CD pipelines.You will learn familiarity with CI/CD concepts; ability to implement CI/CD pipelines using popular tools such as Jenkins and GitLab CI.
- Introduction and orientation
- Origin of Continuous Integration (CI) at ThoughtWorks
- Widespread adoption; how CI relates to DevOps
- Basic tasks: Build, Test, Deploy
- Jenkins
- Overview and Architecture
- Definition of Key Terms
- Building, Testing and Deploying (with hands-on lab)
- Checking Pipeline status with Jenkins Blue Ocean UI
- Troubleshooting
- GitLab CI
- Architecture: GitLab, GitLab CI Multi Runner, ephemeral test environments.
- Definitions: pipeline, stage, job, build, runner, environment, artifact, cache.
- Setting up runners: adding job runners; host instance types (shell, Docker, ssh, etc.); runner/job tags.
- Building, Testing and Deploying (with hands-on lab).
- Troubleshooting: build logs; enabling verbose builds; increasing “loglevel”; interactive access to containers.
Lab Requirements
- Bring a laptop with Virtual Box installed
OLFI training session are only available with the Professional Pass registration. Please use this link to register and pick either a full-day training session or one session from morning list and one from the afternoon list.
PGConf Ohio is a separate event which will offer Postgres training options. Visit the PGConf website for details and tickets.